Why Water Won’t Come Out Of Shower Head

6 Reasons Why Water Won’t Come Out Of Shower Head

Shower heads that don’t work properly can be a difficult problem to solve.

This often happens when the shower head doesn’t allow water to flow once it’s turned on. There are several reasons for this, and it’s important to identify the cause before further damage occurs.

So, why won’t water come out of the shower head?

Water won’t come out of the shower head for various reasons. These include a clogged shower head, aging shower head, broken water diverter valve, incorrect shower head setting, or reduced water pressure at home.

You need to investigate each potential cause to determine the issue in your home. This will ensure the shower head functions correctly.

Here is a look at all the reasons water won’t come out of the shower head as expected.

Reasons Water Isn’t Coming Out Of Shower Head

Clogged Shower Head

Mineral deposits can accumulate inside the shower head.

When this happens, it can block the water flow, reducing it to a trickle.

To solve this, clean the shower head using vinegar. Apply vinegar to the shower head and let it sit for about 30 minutes to break up the mineral deposits. Baking soda can also be used for similar results.

Damaged Water Diverter Valve

A damaged water diverter valve can also be the cause.

This valve diverts water to the shower head from the pipe. If it’s damaged, water pressure decreases, and water stops reaching the shower head.

Check the damage and replace the water diverter valve with a compatible part to fix this issue.

Reduced Water Pressure

This issue might arise from the home’s water system and pipes.

If there are problems with the water pressure, it will affect various water fixtures, including faucets.

Check the water pressure regulator with the help of a plumber to reset the water pressure to the appropriate level.

Incorrect Shower Head Setting

Newer shower heads may have multiple settings, and it’s possible the shower head is set to a setting that stops water flow.

Ensure the shower head is set to a level that allows water to flow through.

Main Water Line Is Shut Off

If the main water line is turned off, water won’t reach the shower head.

Check the main water line and ensure it’s turned on.

To confirm, check other faucets in the house. If water isn’t coming out of any of them, it’s likely the main water line is off.

Aging Shower Head

Shower heads can show signs of aging, causing internal components to weaken and water to back up.

In this case, replacing the shower head is the best solution to prevent further issues.

Final Thoughts

These are the reasons why water won’t come out of the shower head properly.

Water might not come out of the shower head due to mineral deposits, aging shower head, shut-off main water line, or incorrect shower head setting. Investigate these causes to determine what is stopping the water from coming out of the shower head.

This will help you correct the problem before it worsens.

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